
June Kicks Off With New Vids of Katie Lee & Lauren Dean!

From our recent shoots in Baltimore, check out the gym videos we’ve just posted on the pages of Lauren Dean and Katie Lee 2. These 2 girls were BEASTS in the gym, as Katie was preparing for Jr USA and Jr Nationals, and as Lauren is coming off her offseason and beginning prep for a show in the fall. There’s much more on the way of both of these awesome beautiful ladies. So make sure your a Lauren Dean and continue to enjoy the finest female muscle on the planet!

New Vids of Lauren Dean, Diana Schnaidt, & Briana Sokoloski!

It’s a great time to be a member at HDPhysiques! Some of our very best models ever, with more on the way every day, as we continue to bring you the ultimate female muscle entertainment! Today, we’ve added new videos on the pages of new model Lauren Dean, plus Briana Sokoloski, and Diana Schnaidt. You’ll be amazed at these 3 ladies – check out their model pages today and stay tuned for yet another incredible NEW MODEL coming Friday!