NEW MODEL – Say Hello to “BIG FIG” Brandi Jo – LOTS of Sexy Muscle! – PLUS Important Announcement!
Hey gang! First, we have a big announcement – We want to REALLY thank you for your patience during our down time. We had a bout with COVID-19 and had to be hospitalized for over a week. So…. we know the updates have been few and far between….. not up to our usual standards. But now that we are recovering at home and things are getting back to normal….. we promise a BIG and impressive lineup of updates and new models coming over the weeks ahead, to compensate for the lost time in recent weeks. We appreciate you hanging in there and not cancelling your memberships. As you know, in times like this, we need your support more than ever. And we will always keep striving to make improvements and ensuring that HDPhysiques is one of the best values in female muscle entertainment!
For this weekend’s update, we have new model “Brandi Jo” – the midwest physique mystique! As an NPC competitor in both figure and WPD, we think you’ll agree, her impressive muscle size and hardness makes her perfect for WPD! Check out her new Brand Jo model page with 4 new clips, 3 big photo galleries, and the usual assortment of free sample pics.
Thank you for JOINING HDPhysiques – stay tuned for many more amazing updates coming VERY soon as we gently work our way back up to full operational capacity! Thank you again for your understanding!