Just HOW BIG is Beefnuggette? Check out her NEW Measurement Clip at HDPhysiques.TV!

Get it today!  The new video featuring Paige Sandgren (aka Beefnuggette) and her massive measurements!

Get it today! The new video featuring Paige Sandgren (aka Beefnuggette) and her massive measurements!

These physique girls just keep getting bigger and bigger, folks! We know you love the massive size and power of athletes like Katie Lee and Beefnuggette Paige Sandgren…. and now we have a brand new video featuring measurements of ‘Nuggs herself! ‘Nuggs is back, and ready to show you how these MASSIVE Beefnuggette MUSCLES measure up! You won’t believe the mind-blowing muscle possessed by this 25 years young physical specimen. Powerful quads, impressive calves, thick meaty chest, and of course…. those outrageous biceps! Katie Lee remains the biggest…. but Nuggs will be pushin her hard in 2018! You’ve GOT TO check it out, in the Beefnuggette Clips Studio at HDPhysiquesTV!

Big quads and calves too!  Paige is total perfection!  Click here to go to HDPhysiques.TV and get her newest video in her clips studio!

Big quads and calves too! Paige is total perfection! Click here to go to HDPhysiques.TV and get her newest video in her clips studio!